Getting Qualified

As a teenager I’d always planned to finish university, go off travelling for a year or two and then go back to the UK to settle down. I knew after I finished my degree this wouldn’t be the case.

This is my experience of why I took a TEFL course and decided to have more than just a small change in my life...


South America

Praia do Pouso, Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Deciding to go to teach English in South America was probably the first time I’d taken inspiration from my father; a man who had recently taken early retirement from the bank and changed direction completely.

I decided against going into full time employment and headed off to do a TEFL course in Argentina to do a four week intensive course and get under way as a teacher. As it turns out this was the best decision I ever made.

While my life was ready for a great number of twists and turns over the next seven years this choice really set me on my way to discovering what I was truly destined to do.

At first, I just wanted to travel, I spent a year teaching English in Argentina doing private classes in the mornings and sunbathing in the evenings.



Sydney ferry

I fancied a total change after working in South America, so I applied to work in Australia and booked a flight west.

Living in Australia was great, I loved the experience. It felt like an extended holiday and as I was approaching my mid-twenties it was exactly the life I wanted.

But when my visa ran out I decided I wanted a change and wanted to continue teaching, I just needed to decide where my next destination would be.



Hong Kong skyline night

I jumped on a flight back to the UK to see my friends and family for the first time in a long time then straight on a flight to Asia.

I applied to work in China and this time it really dawned on me that teaching was something I was good at and actually enjoyed.

It was still serving me though. I was working hard enough and it was providing me with the chance to see the world.

I continued teach English in China for another two and a half years where I also got to travel around South East Asia and also a short holiday to visit my brother who was living in Australia



Paris tourist Eiffel Tower

I finally decided to come back to teach English in Europe. I’m in a place which feels like my final destination and something akin to home.

Obviously falling in love, getting married and starting a family was the deciding factor behind it.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t have been in the position to meet my wife had it not been for my profession as she is a teacher as well.

Nowadays, I frequently speak at conferences, I´m involved in training new teachers. 


Just Go For It

I’ve realized taking a TEFL course and teaching English abroad turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

At first it harnessed my desire to see the world and more recently it has filled my life with the joy of family.

If you are considering your options and would like to work abroad don’t think twice, just take the plunge and teach.