Volunteering abroad is a good way to integrate into other cultures.

Yyou will get guidance from local English speaking staff, airport pick ups and a structured experience where you will get help every step of the way.

These are some of the top places to go tto challenge yourself.


1. Japan

Japan budget

If you have ever watched the film 'Lost in Translation' you will get a good introduction to Japan. This country is a modern bustling nation which is a shock to the system, the language, food and culture is probably totally different to anything else you have ever experienced in your life.


2. China

Chengdu panda

A daunting country to visit especially when looking at the size of the country and language barrier. Visiting China offers a fascinating insight into the country, you will find people very friendly even though they might not be able to speak English.


3. Morocco


Experience a different way of life by choosing Morocco as your destination, this country is very easy to get to from Europe and there are so many options available.

We recommend visiting markets to sample the local goods, or trying the local food and drink which is unique to the country. You can also learn Arabic here, this is a great way for full cultural immersion.


4. India

Ranthambore National Park, India

A culture like no other, this country is a shock to the senses! With one of the largest populations on the planet India will be a challenging journey you won't forget in a hurry.

The smells, noise, food will all be a shock to the system - but you will also be able to experience an amazing time of your life when you witness the generosity and kindness of local people!


5. Haiti

This is one of the poorest nations on the planet, planning a trip here will open your eyes to extreme poverty and substandard living conditions most people experience in daily life. You will also be able to learn about Voodoo culture - something very different then what you see in Western countries.


6. Malawi

Etosha National Park, Namibia

Most people couldn't even spot where Malawi is on a map, but this tiny African country is in desperate need of international assistance.

The HIV and Aids epidemic has hit this country hard and seeing first hand the devastating effect has had on the population will be a heartbreaking experience.

The poverty and basic living conditions make this a real culture shock. If you are seeking a developing country to help, Malawi should your destination.


Other Destinations

Every country offers a different experience, and there are probably other countries we have missed off he list. Other places which have different cultures where you will learn a lot include applying to volunteer in Israel or volunteering in Palestine. You might also like to view our volunteer abroad programs to search all options.