When planning your trip you will first need to decide how much time you have available, which countries appeal to you and also what type of position you are seeking. You could choose one country, or if you are a little bit more flexible then you could combine experiences and travel and work in multiple destinations.

Instead of just flying to your destination, you might also like to be a bit adventurous. There is the option to travel overland via car, bus, train or book a tour. You could also go country hopping using one of the various low cost airlines.

If you are weighing up your options, check out this article about Europe’s best places to live and work should give you more ideas for routes and potential destinations. 


1. Cyprus

Nissi beach, Cyprus

Warm weather, tasty food, nightlife and incredible beaches - there are so many reasons you might want to consider applying for summer jobs in Cyprus.

Many European students head to Cyrpus to work during summer to soak up the sun and nightlife in places like Ayia Napa. Various seasonal-jobs-working-holidays can be found working in entertainment and sales.


2. Czech Republic

Prague skyline

Ever thought about teaching English abroad? We highly recommend the Czech Republic. You will get to sample life in Eastern Europe and live in a different culture.

Most people seek work in Prague which is a great cultured city connected to a lot of international airports. Most foreigners teachers take a TEFL course before arrive which which help you gain employment. Search jobs in the Czech Republic for English speakers today.


3. Italy


Love pizza and pasta? What more persuading do you need to travel to work in Italy. Italy is everything you can think of and more.

Fashion, food, style and world famous places like Rome, Milan and Venice. Italy also have a fantastic transport network so you will get lots of free time to travel and see more of the country.

Going to teach English in Italy is also popular with internationals.


4. France

Paris tourist Eiffel Tower

France is one of the most visited countries in the world with world famous cities and so many summer, winter and year round jobs.

We highly recommend applying to work a winter ski season seasonal jobs in France. Or alternatively, you really can't beat a city like Paris or Nice, both amazing places to live.

France is also easily connected to the rest of Europe making travel and getting around fairly easy.


5. Greece


Looking for an outdoor lifestyle with a fantastic climate.

Greece might have a struggling economy but there are still options to work here, wages are not as high as some destinations but the daily life you will enjoy will more than make up for this.

A lot of foreigners work in the Greek islands which are spectacular! View seasonal jobs in Greece today.


6. Portugal

Algarve, Portugal

Warm weather, friendly locals, cultured cities and incredible beach resorts make Portugal one of the best seasonal jobs destinations in Europe. You could go to a city lile Lisbon or Porto, or for a more touristy destination we recommend the Algarve region in the south. 

For those who fall in love with Portugal's charming culture and breathtaking landscapes, why not consider a permanent move? 


7. Spain

Barcelona beach

One of our personal favourites, Spain has long been a popular destination for international workers. If you want to party you could apply for summer jobs in Ibiza or Tenerife, whist other popular options include Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona.

To boost your chances of gaining paid work you might like to book a Spanish language course in Spain, this will also help with integration. Also be sure to try to watch a live football game before departing!


8. Norway

Bergen, Norway

Norway often gets voted as one of the top countries to live in the world and for good reason too. There are high salaries, good working conditions and one of the best environments to live in the world.

A lot of seasonal jobs in Norway can be found in agriculture and farming but there are also professional and temporary positions available in cities. Olso is a popular choice, just make sure you have some savings as living costs can also be high.


9. United Kingdom

Piccadilly Circus London

Ask most people living outside of the UK where they would most like to work, the chances are a lot will say the United Kingdom.

Expect some of the higest wages in Europe, a multicultural society and seasonal-jobs-working-holidays in almost every industry. You could live and work in London, one of the best cities in the world. If you live internationally, you might like to view working holidays in the UK.


10. Belgium


When looking to work in Europe, you might not have considered Belgium.

This country offers great value for money, modern cities and lots of history. It is also home to the European Parliament. If you are looking to apply for internships in Europe then Belgium is our number one destination to gain experience.


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