About Our Website

  • One World 365 is a leading meaningful travel directory featuring thousands of trips, holidays, gap year packages, tours, volunteer programs, jobs, internships, language courses, study abroad programs, learning experience e.g. ski/snowboard courses, safari courses and activities e.g. scuba diving, yoga retreats, surfing etc
  • One World 365 was launched in 2007 and currently receives around 2,000 visitors per day
  • We work hundreds of international and local travel operators and organisations and have one of the largest databases of travel products with thousands of experiences offered worldwide
  • We have over 1000 guides/blog articles live
  • We have social media pages with over 400,000 followers


Top Reasons to Apply 

  • Gain work experience
  • Add an entry to your CV which will look fantastic to future employers
  • Our placements are totally flexible, we do not require specifc working hours or a fixed schedule
  • Can work remotely 
  • Get a reference for future employment


Types of Placements Available

  • Marketing / Student Reps
  • Social media
  • Article, guide and features writing
  • Travel writing


Social Media Work Experience

Do you love social media? We have a large social media following, examples of our pages include:







Managing and updating these pages is time consuming and a lot of work which is why we are seeking the right candidates to help. If you are interested in working in social media work this is a great way for you to boost your experience.


Tasks include:

  • Sharing updates on the internet, forums and social media pages
  • Making engaging/fun/promotional updates
  • Chatting with people and responding to messages
  • Creating images
  • Building followers
  • Contacting people to add reviews 



  • Edit article and destination guides
  • Sharing links and promoting our website on forums and social media pages.
  • Join popular forums, for example in the UK the student room, gumtree and help us spread the word about our website
  • Replying to posts on popular forums like www.thestudentroom.co.uk
  • Upload links to university groups and promote our trips and experiences


Travel / Features Writing

For every continent and country we have different guides e.g. Thailand:

We are always in need to keep our content fresh and improved. You could edit, re-write or add information to a currently published page or article.


Blog Article Writing

View example articles on our blog.

We publish:

  • Continent/country travel guides (how to get there, why visit, tips for visitors, best places to visit, weather & best time to go, health&safety)
  • Activity pages (you could write about any travel related activity we offer e.g. tours, volunteering, teaching/working abroad, learning to scuba dive, surfing, conservation, animals etc)
  • Top tips from personal experience
  • Add a list article like Top 10 Places to Visit in Country, 10 Reasons to Visit, 5 Best Hostels/Hotels in ...
  • Add a specific list article e.g. 5 Reasons to Volunteer in, 10 Amazing Cities to Study Spanish, 5 Dream Countries to Work ...
  • Write a review of a product, service or an experience you have had; e.g. joining a tour, teaching in Asia the best experience of my life, why you should volunteer with elephants, why take a gap year in, what it's like to work abroad in, an experience of company etc

More information:

  • You can write about where you live, a place you have been before or research a totally new article for example one of our needed examples listed below
  • Generally articles are around 750-1000 words but this is just a guide, they can be less or more. 
  • We don't publish articles which are live on another blog or website to avoid duplicate content - we can publish similar articles though
  • We prefer articles to be written in the third person unless writing about a specific experience
  • We can add your name, blog and social links to published articles
  • Feel free to check our website and if you see a page which you think you could add information to or improve get in touch


Interested in Applying?

Please contact Paul Edwards on paul@oneworld365.org.

We do not require a formal application or interview but we would need to know what type of experience you are interested in. It would be good to learn a llittle bit about yourself e.g. are you studying, working, do you like to travel, can you use social media pages? Also do you have any previous experiences e.g. travel, gap year, working at summer camps, volunteering, backpacking or working abroad?



"I would like to write this little note to say, thank you. I really appreciate the opportunity you gave me to have work published on your website. Amazingly, it has lead to other work in the meantime, and I would not have had these opportunities if you had not first accepted my writing for World 365. Your help and support have made a big difference to my (now actual) writing career." - Jade Rudnyckyj


Below you can view a sample of the trips and experiences we promote: