It is the goal of our foundation to build a diverse and enlightened network of worldwide supporters who want to make a difference in Asian elephant welfare.

The Asian Elephant has been a mainstay in Thai culture for centuries through service to humans.  After logging was banned by the Thai government in 1989, thousands of elephants were suddenly out of work.  This led to their owners having to use them in new ways and thus the elephant tourism industry began.

For the last 30 years, tourist venues have taken advantage in the shift of elephant use in Thailand, to the detriment of elephants’ mental and physical health.  Elephants suffer severely from a variety of mental and physical ailments in tourism settings where they are ridden, bathed, bred of forced to carry out unnatural behaviors.

Never Forget Elephant Foundation was established in conjunction with the local Karen Hill-Tribe people in Northern Thailand to provide mental, physical and environmental sanctuary for elephants that have been used previously for entertainment purposes and logging.  There are currently seven elephants roaming free in their natural habitat of the jungle, foraging on leaves, roots, vines and branches.  

It is the goal of Never Forget Elephant Foundation to educate tourists and global supporters on the problems captive elephants face today in Thailand and how we can live in a way at home that positively impacts the well-being of elephants and the health of our planet.  Through this model, we create a tide of positive change that will impact the future of captive Asian elephants.

During your stay with Never Forget Elephant Foundation, you will hike into the jungle daily to observe the elephants, you will provide service to the local Karen Hill-Tribe community and connect with like-minded passionate individuals from a variety of walks of life.