Kamalbe translates to "Spiritual Guide" from Kiche. At Kamalbe Spanish School, students receive one-on-one Spanish instruction from a highly-qualified and experienced staff. For a true Guatemalan experience, students have the option of living and eating with a Guatemalan family. The students will also have the opportunity to support some of the poorest communities in Guatemala through volunteer projects organized by the school. Volunteer projects include teaching English, art, and music in primary schools and educating children in nearby medical clinics about health risks. Past volunteers have brought their individual skills to the Quetzaltenango (Xela) area to better the lives of community members in the rural villages. At Kamalbe Spanish School, all of these opportunities are at your fingertips. Please contact us with any questions!

Kamalbe Spanish School encourages all students to engage in activities that benefit the community. Through this experience, the students will live, learn and share the ancestrial customs of the Guatemalan-Mayan society, one that is based around the natural world. This has proven to be a valuable complement to the students’ language acquisition.

Why volunteer with Kamalbe?:

Kamalbe projects offer a safe and supervised environment for travelers.

Our Work... is based mostly in the school of La Cienaga, San Cristóbal in the department of Totonicapán. We work with volunteers from around the world and we are one of the only volunteer organizations working on the place.

Our passion ... for the people, environment and culture encourages us to move forward against the marginal conditions of the rural communities.

For students to be integrated on a suitable project they will need a basic level of Spanish. If their Spanish is below a basic level then the experience and interaction with the children will be the best incentive for students to improve their level of communication.

Below is a list of areas in which students can volunteer:

• Teaching English
• Teaching music
• Teaching mathematics
• Teaching art
• Working in medical centers or clinics
• Working in construction
• Athletic Teachers

Please read more about the activities in the area.

Iif you have some questions or more information please contact us