In return, young people invest their time in developing projects which give back to the community.

Envision exists to build confidence and develop employability skills in young people. We do this through structured cross-school active citizenship programmes, using social action as a vehicle to get young people engaged in issues that affect their local communities.

In the UK today, socio-economic background continues to be the strongest factor in a young person’s academic achievements and future career prospects. 

Young people from low-income backgrounds generally have fewer opportunities than their more privileged peers to develop their social confidence, self-efficacy, and essential skills that are characteristic of successful adults.

Envision works in partnership with non-selective state schools in Birmingham, Bristol, and London, harnessing resources in the wider community, to deliver programmes proven to develop character, confidence, and employability.



Volunteers are the lifeblood of Envision, playing an essential role in providing support, advice and encouragement to the Envision school teams as they create and deliver their community projects.

Last year over 400 business volunteers helped us deliver Community-Apprentice in schools as part of our strategic business partnerships.

In addition every school is supported by a volunteer Assistant Coch who gives up time to support a team once a week throughout term-time.

Being an Assistant Coach is not your average volunteer experience because it’s not just about giving your time and sharing your experience. It’s about gaining a new perspective of young people, re-discovering what community means and about learning about yourself as an individual.