These trips are a great way to gain media work experience abroad and on our website you can find a wide range of opportunities.

Africa is an amazing continent to visit especially if you have never been there before and you can experience it for yourself by signing up to a film making course with One World 365. 

You will be able to join goup programs where you can film in the African bush and hopefully get up close to wildlife in their natural habitat. On our website you can search organisations in Africa who offer amazing work experience courses run by award winning film makers and local staff where you can see Africa and gain work experience.

Maybe you have been inspired by wildlife programs on tv or you have always wanted to travel and do something different, on these courses you will meet new people from all over the world and learn new skills  with wildlife film making.

You could also volunteer in Africa and combine this with a film making course, there are lots of media and wildlife volunteering programs throughout this continent.

Hundreds of people travel to study or work in Africa and participate on these practical filming courses which are usually located in rural areas like wildlife game reserves. You will be given full training and will learn how to use hand held cameras, these skills and tips might come in useful in a future career.

The people running these courses have had years of experience in the film / media industry and will really be able to help you advance and improve your skills. If you have a passion for photography and wildlife you will love these courses! They are also a great way to travel and see new countries like South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.

On these courses you will be able to get close to and film wild animals like elephants, lions, leopards, cheetahs, rhinos, exotic birds and more. A lot of the animals you will see are engangered and these trips can be an amazing experience to see and film them.

Atfer filming wildlife outside you will get the opportunitiy to edit and create your own films in editing suits with up to date and hi-tech computers. You will be able to take these home and show everyone the spectacular locations you have been to. There will also be educational lessons and tuitorials to really help you.

You will learn about all aspects of film making including how the industry works, learn about the different roles like editing and producing, whilst out on filming trips you will get to understand how to use cameras and how to take the best shots. Lighting, positioning and editing is very important and you will be guided through this too.

There are lots of wildlife film academy's and film making courses in Africa, you can view our Africa gap year programs to view and set up a placement today. Get inspired to having a career in the film or media industry by joining film making courses in Africa. For specific information please contact us.