- AAPlus aaplus.hk
- ABC Pathways School www.abcpathways.com
- AIS American International School www.ais.edu.hk
- Antipodean English Language School www.ant.edu.hk
- A Plus Education www.a-plus-education.com
- Australian International School Hong Kong www.aishk.edu.hk
- Beacon Hill School www.beaconhill.edu.hk
- Berlitz www.berlitz.com.cn/hongkong.htm
- Bluesky Classroom www.blueskyclassroom.com
- Bradbury School www.bradbury.edu.hk
- Bright Sparks Language & Learning www.brightsparks.com.hk
- British Council www.britishcouncil.org.hk
- Business English www.language.com.hk
- California School www.californiaschool.edu.hk
- Canadian International School of Hong Kong www.cdnis.edu.hk
- Chinese International School www.cis.edu.hk
- Clearwater Bay School www.cwbs.edu.hk
- Connect the Dots www.learnwithe2.com
- Elite English Learning Centre www.hkeel.hk
- English Excel www.english-excel.com
- English Express www.engx.hk
- ESF Educational Services www.esf.org.hk
- Excel Education www.excelhk.com
- Global Citizen www.global-citizen.biz
- Headstart Group www.headstartgroup.co
- Hong Kong Institute of Languages www.hklanguages.com
- Hong Kong International School www.hkis.edu.hk
- Hong Kong Language Learning Centre www.hkllc.com
- Impact Language Center www.impactlc.com
- International Language Centre www.international-lan.com
- Island School www.island.edu.hk
- ITS Tutorial School www.tuition.com.hk
- Jack and Jill Treehouse www.jacknjill.com.hk
- King George V School www.kgv.edu.hk
- Kingston International School www.kingston.edu.hk
- Lemon Tree Learning Centre www.lemontree.com.hk
- Little Explorers Educational Centre www.littleexplorershongkong.com
- ME English Language Centre www.me-english.com.hk
- PRES Language Center www.preslanguage.com
- Q Language www.qlanguage.edu.hk
- South Island School www.sis.edu.hk
- Union of Languages www.uol-hk.com
- Wall Street Institute www.wsi.edu.hk
- West Island School www.wis.edu.hk
- Yew Chung International School www.ycis-hk.com