Volunteers are matched with affordable needy Projects which include Childcare, Teaching, Special Needs Care, HIV/ AIDS Support Programs, Women Empowerment Projects and Sports Education. 

Today, Volunteers 2 Uganda sends volunteers and interns to all areas of Uganda. You too can join us! Our work is to share the love of God together through joining hands and helping others.

The African continent is regarded as having the largest number of children in the world, most of whom are orphaned by parents who have died of AIDS, war, or illness, while others are affected by extreme poverty and hunger. These people often have no hope for a better future and lack opportunities to access basic necessities and rights, such as education, healthcare, clothing, food, and shelter. VOLUNTEERS 2 UGANDA is dedicated to giving every person and their family an opportunity to achieve their highest potential. 

Our Vision:  Volunteers 2 Uganda envisions promotion of voluntary services to the needy and most vulnerable members of the community.

Our Mission: To uplift and empower needy and vulnerable people in society by improving their quality of life through healthcare, psychosocial interventions, childcare, education, capacity building, livelihood and skills development, empowerment, linkages and networking to other sustainable programs.

Moreso, V2U aims to provide affordable internship and volunteering opportunites in Uganda to people all over the world.