It consists of three parts - three months education and training, six months volunteer project, and one month concusion and reflection.

Before going to the projects, volunteers are trained for three months at learning centres in Europe. After completing their training, volunteers participate actively and constructively in creating positive change in developing communities in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia or India, for six months.

A one month evaluation period concludes the programme.

Part One:

Volunteer training is truly essential. Succesful volunteers need to prepare themselves.Therefore, the first part of the Take 10 volunteer programme is based at one of three learning centres in Denmark, UK or Norway. Here, volunteers are introduced to the world of volunteering. In other words they study, learn practical skills and organise activities. 

Part Two:

After three months’ training at one of the learning centres, you are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills to embark on the next stage of the journey.

Together with members of your team, you are posted at  a project in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia or India. Usually, the volunteer projects focus on farming, education, health or sustainable energy.

The activists at the projects work with children, parents, farmers, teachers and local leaders. Furthermore, they liaise with national governments and international partners. The project partners work together to tackle the root causes of poverty, with the purpose of building sustainable and thriving communities.

Part Three:

This final stage of the programme enables you to share your findings and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the work in the field. This allows for continual improvement of the programme, whilst ensuring you gain extensive understanding derived from the programme.