San Juan del Sur is a beautiful tourist port in the south of the country that offers its visitors a great tourist options, including Spanish lessons today we live in a globalized world must be known to communicate with people of different nationalities.

That is why as English as Spanish in our continent has become a very important tool for Americans as well as for Latin American; Nicaragua has the best security in Central America I mean we are the country with the smallest crime rate in the region.

We have over 8 years of experience, We offer study material, coffee to be relaxed while taking your Spanish lesson, Wifi 100% free for our students, flexible hours, great location we are in the main street of San Juan del Sur less than 3 minutes walking from the beach. It's time to learn and study Spanish language now in San Juan del Sur. 

San Juan del Sur is a good place to learn and study Spanish in Nicaragua in Spanish Corner School, we are an Spanish language School offering online tutoring one to one.activitiesare not included in the price.