We are seeking volunteers and or donors to assist in teaching and playing with your children and are eager to hear from you!

We are currently in search of volunteers to aid in our student’s education experience by facilitating the implementation of activities such as athletics and music that students would not otherwise have access to. Additionally, we would like to expand upon our students’ English language skills to allow them to excel through secondary school and beyond.

Although we are also seeking donations and sponsors for our projects, we believe in our volunteers and their imperative role in the perpetual growth of our program and are actively seeking new visitors to work and play with our children.We believe in our students and many have shown great potential to excel in their studies, but we are in need of assistance from those who wish to add more, and who have a heart that beats for service.

Currently, our program offerings are limited and we welcome volunteers of all education backgrounds assist in the development of our current programs and to add to our offerings. We highly encourage those with unique skills in theater, music, dance, instrument or other performance/visual arts, or athletics to not be afraid to share them with us!

Our students would love to see and learn from your gifts and potentially add them to our breadth of extra-curricular activities! Although a background in the chosen subject matter would be wonderful, this is by no means a necessity and we are welcome to having volunteers in these programs with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences! We encourage you to share your ideas and talents with our students and will work to schedule classes according to your project requirements!

We are dedicated to working closely with our volunteers and sponsors, we want to welcome you to Helping Hands and allow you to be a part of our family. We are looking for individuals young and old to assist in our program growth so that we may reach the far ends of the community and even expand to offer more services. We want our students to have free or low cost education and we believe in the shared cultural exchange between each supporter and our students!

Please contact us for information!