There are so many incredible things to do in the world, from seeing Machu Picchu, heading to volunteer with orangutans in Borneo, learning bushcraft skills on an adventure break in South Africa, going overland on a tour of Europe, seeing incredible sights in Latin America or booking an amazing activity worldwide just to name a few.

Travelling to exotic locations is more popular than ever before but with working or lack of funds making this a regular experience can be difficult.

For the truly adventurous who are hooked on the next fix and are craving a thrill that feeds their soul sadly, adventures are merely something we can only do once or twice a year.

The daily grind of commuting, then spending an inordinate amount of hours stuck at a computer screen, has numbed our adventurous spirit. We’re living, but we’re not ‘alive.’ However, you shouldn't let the western lifestyle knock the adventurous stuffing out of you.

As human beings we have a tendency to resort to the familiar, to put off adventures, so the idea of trying new things is easily chucked to the back of a dusty closet. The intention is to bring the adventure list out at some point, when we have more time. Ironically, new experiences are often at the top of our bucket list, but they are sadly in most cases never realised.

Aaron Teasdale gives an interesting viewpoint in his article, Why We Need Adventure. He argues that we are hardwired for adventurous experiences having spent thousands of years testing ourselves in the wilds. “We did not spend millions of years getting to this point, with these magnificently capable bodies and minds, to fill our days with monitors and videos of cats.”

Experiencing the extreme may seem like a leap too far. It may even feel completely out of reach. But, adventure starts by exploring a curiosity, so you’ll be pleased to hear you don’t have to go from armchair to white water rafting in one fell swoop. Igniting your passion for an adventure really can begin from small steps.

Once your curiosity for new experiences is ignited, it could take you to places you’ve only dared to dream about. Before you know it you could be an experience-day junky.

Check out below our top ways to get wanderlust without being abroad below...


1. Watch Videos

Ingite your wanderlust and check out travel shows on television, bloggers on Youtube or destination guides. There are so many fun Youtube travel bloggers who can take you away to places you might have only ever dreamed about. This is a great way to see new places and get ideas for your potential next destination. 


2. Read books

Reading is a great way to get your imagination flowing and there are so many legendary travel books waiting to be read. You can get transport to another destination, culture or world! 


3. Become a Travel Writer

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Even if you don’t think you are a budding novelist, writing even just a short story can be quite an awakening and cathartic process. And remember you don’t even have to show it to anyone.

Let your imagination run wild. You might surprise yourself. If you have a passion for travel you might like to write for our travel website.


4. Use your imagination and compile a bucket list

If you don’t already have a bucket list, you may as well create one. Try to include some items that can be easily achieved. Ticking some things off the list may spur you on to tackle some of the bigger adventures.


5. Go local

How to ignite wanderlust from home

You would be suprised how many attractions and sights are probably very close to where you live. You won't need to book a flight, you can probably even explore some by walking. Check local guides to local towns, walks and places of interest - you might be surprised as to what you can see.


6. Get Social

Join Facebook, Twitter and social media pages who upload regular travel content. There are so many uploading inspiring quotes, pictures and advice for things to do.


7. Meet New People

Go our and seek other people who share your love of travel, there are lots of websites like meetup and couchsurfing where you can meet likeminded people. You might make new friends and learn more about other destinations and amazing things to do in the world.


8. Get Ideas for Your Next Trip

Start giving yourself something to look forward to by researching. There are lots of travle ideas so you are sure to find a travel experience which is suitable for you whatever you are looking for. With One World 365 you can also find so many different options including:


9. Search Tours

How to ignite wanderlust without being abroad

Finally, if the above tips have started to get you in the mood why not research exciting trips abroad. There are group tours available to book all around the world where you can explore all corners of the globe.


So what are you waiting for? Don't be bored at home and use our tips to hopefully give yourself a big dose of wanderlust before your next big break abroad.