Homeschooling, however, can be difficult in terms of the sudden shift and the need to adjust to the otherwise new ways of learning. Here are some tips on how to go about homeschooling during the coronavirus lockdown.


1. Find a Tutor 

To begin with, homeschooling means having to organise the various subjects, topics, themes, and homework dynamics that are given. It may be overwhelming to figure out where to begin and progress. Not only do you have to balance the demands of the work, but you have to also learn and adapt to the technical dynamic of accessing the work and the process of submission. The overwhelming result may be de-motivating, and you may begin to lag.

One way of balancing the material and the technical demands that come with it is to find a tutor for homework help. A tutor not only will tackle the topics and subjects that are proving difficult, he or she can also guide in the technical aspect. The elimination of one-on-one access to the teachers can be solved by this dynamic of tutorship. As much as a teacher would love to give the guidance that was provided pre-lockdown, the dynamic of teaching multiple classes online may make that difficult.


2. Create a Conducive Environment

As much as homeschooling may be convenient because it’s done in a familiar space, the same space may bring disadvantages. For example, homeschooling in a space that has toddlers may be distracting. The nature of children is that they’re playful and inquisitive, so they will encroach into the learning space. Another example is that if the space is shared, other household members will be going about their activities such as playing music or watching television.

It’s important to create as much of a conducive environment as possible, given the available space. If there’s a room that you can use for homeschooling which is closed off to any other household member, you can take advantage of that. If it means getting as much help as possible to keep the children distracted, it’s worth looking into. If you have an outside area that you can occupy depending on the weather, you can also take advantage of such a space.

Keep in mind that, eventually, the lockdown will be lifted, and you can explore other places to study. In the meantime, you have to make the most of what you have.


3. Set a Schedule 

Setting a schedule may help with being productive during homeschooling. The level of independence and self-paced learning that comes with homeschooling is such that it’s easy to procrastinate. You have to find time to create a schedule based the times of online live learning and when you have to work independently. It’s then important to try as much as possible to stick to the schedule so that the work gets completed. A tutor can also help with such areas that require scheduling and being organised.


4. Be Flexible

As much as setting a schedule is one method of being productive, flexibility is also required. Not every day is predictable. In some cases, you have to attend to duties or responsibilities and even guests. This means that a schedule may be thrown off, and you have to adapt. For example, if you were going to cover ground in the afternoon, you may then have to make up for it during the evening.


5. Get Rid Of Distractions

It’s easy to get distracted during homeschooling, regardless of how conducive the environment may be. When you’re using your gadget for homeschooling such as a laptop, you may be tempted to open other tabs that aren’t relevant to the learning process. 

For example, as you work on your school portal and open a social media tab next to it, you’ll get distracted. Once you get a notification from your social media page, you’ll be tempted to attend to it and ignore your school portal page. Try to make sure that you don’t have such distractions that can slow down your productivity levels.

The same applies to your working area. If you have distractions on your desk such as a phone, it will also take time off your schoolwork.


6. Form Online Study Groups

You can take advantage of the digital space that you can access and form online study groups. The material that you learn during your online classes and from your tutor can be discussed informally as a group. You can get a few of your colleagues and schedule times when you discuss these with the aim of helping one another learn and improve.


Finding a tutor to help with homework as well as the technical dynamics of the material is one way that you can make the process easier. You also need to set a schedule that you can abide by to avoid procrastination. However, as much as you may have a schedule in place, you may have to be flexible on certain days.

You’ll have to go out of your way to make sure that you create a conducive study environment for you to be productive. You may have to get creative with the space that you have available and make the most of it until the lockdown is lifted. Make sure that you also get rid of any distractions. Forming online study groups is also a way that you can make homeschooling more productive and fun.

Keep in mind that the Coronavirus stage will pass, and life will return to normalcy. In the meantime, you need to try as much as possible to make sure that you keep moving in a positive direction with your education. You’ll eventually have the freedom to explore various options that you may not have at the moment.