It was established in 1997 to protect Ecuador's ecosystems and wildlife. We manage three reserves in North Western Ecuador, two in the cloud forest of the Choco Bioregion and one in Esmereldas. We work to preserve these important environments through wildlife, plant and tree conservation work, community education, environmental management, volunteer projects, community ecotourism and scientific research into the flora and fauna of the region.

Fundacion Zoobreviven's past projects include our Andean Spectacled Bear reintroduction program and community initiatives to provide alternative income to people living in the areas surrounding the reserves. We also run a volunteer program on our Alto Choco reserve where volunteers can assist with reserve management tasks, such as reforestation, organic farming, area patrolling, plant and tree development studies and more recently, coffee farming.

The very serious threats facing the reserves include mining, illegal logging and hunting of Andean Spectacled bears and rare Mountain Tapirs. There is an urgent need to both protect the reserves and educate people about preserving these ecosystems. Fundacion Zoobreviven is also actively creating programmes of sustainable agriculture and development of natural resources to aid the local community and the environment.
If you are interested in voluntary work with us, contributing or simply finding out more please have a look at our site.