Practice yoga daily, eat delicious food, walk in forests, swim in rivers, sleep deeply. Every week between March and October.  From 800€.

Yoga is healing and offers us a return to a state of equilibrium. So we devote a little more time to ourselves, just for ourselves. We retreat. 

The teachers at Vale de Moses trustfully impart their experience of yoga, as personal practitioners and as students. They employ the teachings of many styles, sharing their treasured love of this ancient practice in an earthy, simple, kindly and compassionate manner.

Morning classes are often flowing and energetic, inspired by Ashtanga, Vinyasa Flow and Dynamic Hatha Yoga, setting us up nicely for a day of therapies, sun bathing and exploring.  Sultry afternoon classes of Yin Yoga, focused asana exploration, playful unintimidating partner or Acro Yoga and some quiet contemplation. 

Together we artfully cultivate a love of personally empowered practice and sow seeds of self understanding so we can move more gracefully into a state of integration, wholeness and ultimately, relaxation.

Right now, you may be in the early tentative days of this yoga romance, or entirely certain that what was once a sporadic practice has now become a way of life.  Whatever stage in your relationship, a retreat at Vale de Moses is an invitation to deepen the love affair.

With yoga and with yourself. Removed from the normal stresses and responsibilities of life, surrounded by the stunning wilderness of the Portuguese forests, nurture yourself, without distraction. Be romanced into yoga, free from intimidating complex drills, open slowly, sweetly, squeeze and savour all the juice out of your practice and digest every drop of the nutrients. 

Through the gentle compassionate guidance of experienced teachers, be taken inward to connect with the harmonious rhythm of your breathing and from this rhythm into your body. Broaden, lengthen and soften into each asana, into your day, into your week and into your life. The indulgent luxury of time loosens and dissolves nervous tension. From this calm space, a confidence in ourselves and our personal experience grows. 

Return home with a stronger desire to cultivate a personal practice that encourages a little more contentment and ease in your world.

Bend, stretch, ground, bind, flow, cry, invert, balance, fold, open, relax, tuck, twist, release, close, experience silence, contemplate, walk, broaden, sing, dance, digest, taste, consolidate, stand, swim, sit, lengthen, soften, calm, laugh, live, love, lie down.

Practice yoga. Feel delicious.