To serve long or short-term with Mission Doctors Association the following requirements are needed:

Practicing Catholic

Mission Doctors is a program for Catholic doctors and their families who feel called to serve as an expression of their faith. The Mission hospitals and clinics value this witness of faith and tell us frequently that this witness is as important as the professional services offered.

Completion of Residency

US Medical License*

Mission Doctors Association confirms an individual’s ability to practice medicine when assigning to either long or short-term mission assignments. We are only able to confirm the validity of licenses within the United States.

Good Physical and Mental Health

The rigors of practicing in remote areas of Africa and Latin America requires the ability, in some cases, to adjust to heat, humidity, and the challenges of working in a resource poor setting. The Retreat / Seminar for those considering short-term service, and the four-month formation program for those serving three years goes into depth the specifics of each location.