Welcome to Helping Hands Foundation (HHF) – Nepal! HHF is an organization that strives to materialize the warmth between the Nepalese and their foreign guests and use the goodwill to bring smiles in the faces of both the underprivileged children of Nepal and their foreign admirers. Helping Hands Foundation “HHF” has been established as a non-profitable organization with the sheer purpose of improving the lives of orphaned children existing in our society. It aims to work toward bringing happiness and security in the lives those children of Nepal who were forced to lose their innocent by poverty as well as familial and social conditions.

We all have high ideals. But we also wish to prove our ideals through our work. Motivated with the philosophy of ‘getting things done rather than taking only an initiative’ we are dedicated to make positive changes in the lives of the needy children by equipping them with better education. We also focus on health and hygiene sector, as Nepali kids suffer immensely due to lack of basic healthcare opportunities. Therefore, we ensure that our kids get the required health attention plus act as a protective guardian remaining inside the rules & regulations of the existing law.

Our main objective is to reach out to the underprivileged and destitute children who can not realize their potential because they can not get adequate attention at the familial, societal, and even at the government level policies. Though their missing parents are irreplaceable, the organization strives to endorse them with an ideal & happy home together with tender health, food & concerned care.

We invite you participate in our program and see how you too can really make a positive difference in the children’s and in your own life. Let’s join hand in hand for these innocent children left on their own and create a favorable environment for them.