This is the ultimate husky ranch and dogsled experience for the real explorers among us who are looking for an adventurous volunteer abroad project! Become a volunteer now and work with pure white huskies, dog sled and gaze at the amazing northern lights! 

This project is based in the remotest northern corner of mainland Canada tucked between the icy Beaufort Sea and a million lakes. This wonderful experience lets you relive the frontier days where your accommodation will be in style without the luxury comforts of the modern world. That means no electricity, but what is there cozier then a crispy and warm fire place?

This ranch is an extremely popular volunteer abroad project and is a beautiful place to experience the Canadian Arctic. You will have many opportunities to dogsled during the extra-long winter and of course play /care for the huskies! This project has excellent opportunities in winter however summer has its own advantages with extra-long warm days and many opportunities to hike, bike and it is a suitable place for wildlife viewing.

When volunteering for more than 4 weeks it is important to keep in mind that the program is not with a registered charity therefore you will be required to apply for a working holiday visa. Also, The work on the ranch is physically demanding and it is by no means an’ easy holiday option’! Please consider that you are in a very remote area and this is not the place to be if you are solely interested in pubs and clubs.

This Is Why

  • Play with huskies and go dog sledding!
  • Live off the grid in a cozy cabin without electricity for the ultimate northern experience!
  • Volunteer in one of the most beautiful sceneries in the worlds and see the northern lights.
  • Opportunities for Wildlife viewing in the surrounding the property.
  • Discover Canada's Arctic by dogsled!