zoorefugio tarqui

Most species here are brought by the MAE (Ministry of Environment) and the Environmental Police for rehabilitation after having been rescued or confiscated from traffickers or people who threaten their habitats. Those animals can also be transferred to other rescue centers or be released to their habitat.

Our vision is to gather information on behavor, nutrition, and reproduction when necessary, with that object of compiling such information in a database. This information could be accessed by people or organizations to help wild animal care or research.

Because this is the center where we all work carefully with wild species, we must take into account the responsibility, identity, communication, honesty, solidarity, compassion and respect, in order to continue with the daily struggles we face for animal's welfare and conservation of biodiversity in Ecuador.

Our mission is to preserve wildlife in the rainforest of Ecuador, which is threatened today by anthropogenic activities. For this purpose, we provide specialized care for the welfare of the animal, by promoting scientific research and offering a message of environmental awareness to general public.