Contribute to the good health of the locals of Fiji. Because they mostly live in villages, they have little or no knowledge of hygiene or of a balanced and nutritious diet. This leads to a wide range of diseases, like high blood sugar, cholesterol, hypertension etc.

Your assistance on the Healthcare Project will range, depending on your own skills, from educating the local villagers on simple hygiene techniques, to conducting health camps and dental checkups and generally offering guidance on the project's development.


If you're interested in educating simple hygiene techniques, you are welcome to join the Healthcare Education project. Medical professionals who can offer guidance on the project’s development would be immensely valuable, however it is not imperative that participants have a medical background to join. As a participant of this project, you can support to run healthcare campaigns in local schools around Sigatoka, actively teach the importance of basic hygiene – emphasize brushing teeth correctly, washing hands and general body cleanliness.

Many of the daily routines that we carry out without thinking are not common practices with the children you will meet, but starting simple education early can go a long way for immediate and future healthcare.

If you have a medical background, check-up clinics for local children and adults can be organized with your help.


During the first half of the day in the morning, a local doctor will meet you and explain to you all the various medical aspects as well as the medical needs of the local community. Later you will then be taken to the local government schools and take part in awareness campaign, health and hygiene teaching to the children of various ages, first aid teaching, and many more health and medical related programs which will be conducted for the children everyday.

Once a month, in alliance with the local team of doctors, a general health check-up camp will be organized by us for the benefit of villagers. Free medicines and treatment will be made available to all.

The work plan will be confirmed again every Friday. This is not an internship, but you will get work experience on this project. The program can be changed depending on requirements and local conditions. The working time will be around 5 to 6 hours a day.
Your weekends and evenings are free, leaving you time for relaxing, travelling and sightseeing.


Your accommodation will be in a pleasant and cosy volunteer centre, with other volunteers, all contributing to keeping the home neat and tidy. You'll share a dorm-style room with it's own bathroom. There is Wi-Fi on site, so you'll be able to keep up with emails with friends and family back home.

FOOD: During the week you will be provided with three meals a day, and over weekends 2 meals a day. These will consist of traditional Fijian style dishes.

If you'd like more information about this or any of our projects, please email or call us! If you'd like to apply for this project, please complete the application form. As soon as we receive it, we'll liaise with you and then start making your travel adventure happen.