Started in 1979 at Loreto Sealdah, a school already in existence since 1857, this experiment in education was born of a certain uneasiness felt at being part of a formal school system imparting 'quality education' to a privil­eged few, while millions of their less fortunate peer group get virtually nothing at all.

It has involved opening up the school more and more to underprivileged youngsters from slum areas and pavements, to produce a healthy mix of children from all social, financial and religious backgrounds, resulting in a school population of 1400 students-of which 700 are totally free and from the nearby slums.

They are supported in their needs, food. uniforms, medicines, money to meet the rent when eviction threatens and specialised teaching, to cope -with class­room work.

These children, in their turn, along with those who pay fees are involved in reaching out to others even less privileged than themselves through a broad spectrum of services, touching as many as possible.

In this way Loreto Sealdah seeks to become a Resource centre for the community creating in the process dynamic people, with the values of giving, sharing and extended love-a vibrant, living instrument for human change.