Our role is to help them by building their skills and knowledge, and by providing access to finances so that they can turn their dreams into a reality. With your funding and support, we are helping communities improve their tomorrows.  


What We Do

Tanzania is an incredible country that is home to many incredible people. However, too many of the country's communities still face poverty - particularly those in rural areas.

Traditional models of development are not doing enough to decrease poverty in Tanzania, often leaving problems behind for local communities to overcome alone.

We want to change that.

The Livingstone Tanzania Trust works together with communities, providing the tools and knowledge they need to lead themselves out of poverty.

We will only instigate change that is readily wanted by the communities we work with, and we will stay until we are no longer needed.

We are immensely proud that our innovative approach is achieving exciting, tangible and positive impacts in the Manyara Region.

With our programmes that focus on education and enterprise, communities are beginning to own their development, building the skills and knowledge they need for truly sustainable and self-sufficient change.


Our Programmes

All children have an equal right to a quality education in a safe, inspirational environment. Schools must have sufficient teaching and learning materials to give every child the best opportunity to learn. The community must ensure students are fed daily so that they are fit, healthy and able to learn.

Enterprise creates jobs and brings prosperity, making it a fundamental driver for economic and social development. In the Manyara Region, most people are farmers who rely on the land, the environment and the climate for their livelihoods. Therefore, by focusing on agriculture, we can help whole communities make their way out of poverty.

Women and Girls
Women are the backbone of all social and economic activity in the community, whether in businesses, on farms, as entrepreneurs or employees, or by doing unpaid care work at home. We believe in the power of gender equality, which is why we are working with women, girls, and whole communities to try to achieve this.



Volunteer opportunities with the Livingstone Tanzania Trust are available to school groups and other teams of people. Each group is asked to fundraise for a particular project, which they will then get involved with when they come out to Babati.

We follow ethical volunteering guidelines, meaning that:

  • Volunteers work alongside local builders, never instead of them
  • Each project is part of a long-term development programme and is wanted by the community
  • Volunteers live in and engage with the community
  • Schools never have more than two teams in one year
  • LTT works exclusively with Inspire Worldwide, an ethical and professional social enterprise which organises tailor-made volunteer trips for groups
  • Volunteers receive full briefings and training before leaving for Tanzania and again on arrival - including Swahili lessons, cultural awareness, risks, what to pack, and classes on poverty and development, fundraising, leadership and team building
  • Trips are led by experienced and qualified leaders who provide group leadership and guidance
  • Each volunteer is required to sign a copy of our Volunteer Charter, outlining the responsibilities they agree to prior to coming to Tanzania.