In other countries, the proportion of tertiary international students was 28.4% for Australia, 20.8% for New Zealand, 18.7% for the United Kingdom, 17.8% for Switzerland, and 17.6% for Austria.

Why do students cross state lines and continents for higher education? Read on if you want to know why you might want to attend an international education fair like the Najah Expo and learn about education opportunities overseas.

Below are the reasons you might want to join the students' apparent mass exodus to study abroad.


1. Explore New Places

If you say the world is huge, it would be an understatement. There are 195 countries (193 United Nations member states and two non-member states) and an estimated 670,000 islands in the world. That's almost two hundred counties and hundreds of thousands of islands you can potentially visit and explore.

Yes, you have many beautiful places where you live, and you probably haven't been to all of them, either. There is also no doubt that exploring your own country is and must be a top priority. However, getting to know your own country and seeing the rest of the world do not have to be mutually exclusive objectives. In other words, why not do both?

One of the more accessible ways you can accomplish this is by pursuing higher education studies abroad. While studying in another country, you can spend your free time travelling to the many exciting places it has to offer. It's a wonderful idea; you can study and travel at the same time.

To this end, you can choose to study in a country you have been meaning to explore if you have the time. If you have been meaning to travel throughout Europe, it's natural to want to enrol at a university in a European country.

This must be why almost half of the tertiary students in Luxembourg are international students. Luxembourg is a Schengen area country, and as such, students there (or any other Schengen area country) can get borderless travel privileges within the Schengen zone. Thus, one can travel to Greece, Germany, Portugal, Malta, Poland, Italy, and France on the strength of a single visa.

Studying in the United Kingdom is another great option if you want to explore Europe. The United Kingdom may not be part of the Schengen zone, but it still makes the rest of the European continent more accessible.


2. Get to Know Other Cultures

When you study abroad, you will not only be able to visit and explore new places. You will also get to interact with the locals and get the chance to immerse yourself in a culture that is significantly different from your own.

Have you always been fascinated by the Japanese language, enamoured with Japanese cuisine and captivated by Japanese anime? By enrolling at a university in Japan, you can live every day surrounded by the significant elements of Japanese culture. By staying in Japan for the duration of your studies, you will naturally get to learn and speak the Japanese language, eat and appreciate Japanese cuisine and learn more about the anime medium.

Travelling abroad to study will give you a deeper understanding of the people and the culture of your destination country. After all, if a particular culture excites or enthrals you, there's no better way to learn more about it than to immerse yourself in it fully.

Studying abroad also allows you to interact closely with other international students like yourself. Thus, you will experience not only the local culture but also a diverse array of cultures because of your international student classmates.


3. Invest in Your Success

Everybody wants to be successful. While different people define success differently, one of the most popular definitions of success is having a successful career. For college students, success typically means getting hired quickly after graduation or getting hired by a distinguished employer.

Unfortunately, the jobs market is highly competitive. According to a recruiter, Biron Clark, most employers will interview fewer than 10 persons. Thus, only 2-3% of job applicants typically receive an interview invitation.

A stellar resume is crucial if you want to improve your chances of making it to the interview round. One of the elements that can turn your resume into a stand-out is an impressive educational background.

Studying abroad can give you such impressive educational credentials. Just make sure to study at a university known for its high-quality education, particularly in your field or discipline.


4. Get Top-Tier Education

There are countless universities in the world. By deciding to become an international student, you can expand your options and get the opportunity to enrol in the best program there is for your chosen field of study.

While you may have excellent universities at home with exemplary curricula and programs, there is no reason to limit yourself to the options available in your own country. If you want top-tier education, make your selection from an international pool of universities and programs.

This experience can be more affordable than you might think too. Don't believe us? View our tips how to study abroad on the cheap.


5. Challenge Yourself

The best thing about studying overseas is that it is a challenge that will naturally strengthen and develop you.

If you choose to study abroad, you will live and stay in an environment outside of your comfort zone. You will meet people who speak a different language and behave differently from what you have become accustomed to. You will have to learn not only your lessons but also how to adapt to the people and the different cultures.

However, if you succeed and thrive, you will come out of the experience so much more mature and better than the person you once were.


Study Abroad

Studying abroad really does offer so many benefits. It is a means of exploring new places, getting to know other cultures, investing in your success, getting top-tier education, and challenging yourself. View more tips how to maximise your study abroad experience.