But the thought of your first time on a snowboard or skiing holiday might leave you a little apprehensive especially if you have never been before.

There are so many things to consider when booking a first trip, for example, where to go and how not to get injured.

Here are some essential recommendations to help you get started!


1. Get Fit

Skiing and snowboarding are active sports, so having some physical strength and stamina will definitely help you out on the slopes.

Strong legs are particularly advisable as snowboarding is done in a squat position, so try doing squats, lunges and calf-raises in order to strengthen your legs.

What is more, if you get into an exercise routine before you venture out on the slopes, your muscles will loosen to improve recovery time after a day of falling.


2. Buy the Right Equipment

You'll need to consider whether you buy or rent your clothing or equipment. We would recommend buying clothing, but renting skis or a snowboard which are expensive. You'll need to make sure these sports are right for you before committing.

You'll need a warm insulated coat, ski or snowboard boot insole, warm socks and trousers, and heat tech under clothing is advised.

Impact shorts are also one of the best things you can buy and something that newbies sometimes don't consider.

When first starting out you are likely to continually fall on the same area when learning how to ski or snowboard and your body will thank you if you have impact shorts.

We promise, you won’t look like you’re wearing a nappy. You might also want to get yourself a helmet and snowboarding goggles!


3. Get Insured

Travel insurance is something you really should forget about, even thought you might think it is an added cost.

Anything can happen when overseas, and especially if doing something extreme like winter sports and its vital to be covered for any accidents and emergencies.

Make sure you research all options and purchase a policy which covers adventure sports. We recommend a company like Safety Wing.


4. Commit to Learn

Top family ski resorts France

As snowboarding has a quite big learning curve, it requires a certain commitment rather than just giving it a try.

Don’t rely on figuring it out yourself. And although your friend might be a great snowboarder, it doesn’t mean he or she is a great teacher as well.

Consider taking classes from a certified snowboard instructor instead, which are available at most snowboarding resorts. They will teach you the proper technique for sliding and stopping.


5. Choose the Right Ski Destination


When looking online you'll soon realise there are hundreds of ski resorts around the world and you'll need to make sure to select the right destination.

Look for resorts that are popular among beginner skiers and snowboarders, as this usually means that they have areas that are specifically reserved and designed for totally newbies.

Furthermore, you also might want to look for resorts that have good gondola access; this way you can easily avoid chairlifts and tows, which may be difficult to board and disembark when first starting out.

As a beginner, don’t bite off more than you can chew and choose a beginner friendly resort. There are lots of amazing ski resorts in Europe to consider, as well as in other popular locations like north America, New Zealand and Japan.


6. Practice Stances at Home

Besides getting fit, you could also start practising your stances at home.

Getting your stance right is vital to achieving balance and handling steering. Makes sure your ankles are flexed and your knees aren’t locked. Furthermore, figure out whether you are a goofy or a regular.

A quick way to determine this is by walking up a flight of stairs and seeing which foot you use to take the first step. If you prefer to lead with your right leg, you’ll be a ‘goofy footer’, while regular footers lead with their left leg.


7. Learn How to Fall

Let’s be honest, when you are learning to ski or snowboard, you’re going to fall. A lot.

You better make sure your learn how to fall without causing excessive damage. If possible, try to fall uphill rather than downhill, so gravity will not pull you down as far.

However, if you do fall downhill, try to go limp and roll, and avoid putting your hands out to stop yourself to minimise the risk of broken bones or damaging your wrists. One more tip is to fall onto your entire body so that there is more surface area to absorb the shock of the fall.


8. Patience!

Verbier, Switzerland

Sadly skiing and snowboarding aren’t skills that you are going to pick up in just a day; it requires a large amount of discipline and tenacity. Get out on the slopes and practice, practice, practice!

Don’t let all of your falls get you down because, although learning can be difficult, snowboarding is also one of the most rewarding sports out there.


Plan Your Ski or Snowboard Break

Skiing and snowboarding really is something unique and special, you never know it might turn into a lifetime passion. There are so many places you can go and although there are important things to consider before departing, just try to enjoy the experience and make the most of your time on the slopes.  If you would like a career on the slopes check out this guide to the best ski instructor courses or winter jobs around the world.