There’s no NOMA, no little mermaids, no overprized design-stores – and certainly no tourist traps.

If you somehow end up here, or if you just feel like seeing a different area of Denmark other than just Copenhagen, Vorupør could become one of your favorites. 

Jimmy Munk Larsen has travelled to almost 50 countries, but he is never bored when he returns home to his tiny hometown – inhabited by less than one thousand people. 


How to Get to Vorupør

You can get to Vorupør from other destinations in Denmark via bus, train or car.


Where to Stay

There aren't any large hotels in but you can book lots of accommodation from rooms to whole houses. Search options on


Top Places to Visit in Vorupør

Here Jimmy shares his list of 10 amazing things to do and places to visit in and around Vorupør.


1. Nationalpark Thy

Nationalpark thy Vorupor Denmark

Vorupør is surrounded by Nationalpark Thy – Denmark’s first national park. The diversity is great, and you have plenty of opportunities to visit different spots in the national park, as Vorupør is located right in the middle of the national park. It is recommendable to visit the old lighthouse of Lodbjerg to the south.

It is located in the middle of the forest, and the view from the top is spectacular. To the north of Vorupør is Vangså, a tiny village next to the sea. It was the very last place in Denmark to get electrical power – in the year of 1977! To the south of Vorupør is Stenbjerg, a tiny picturesque fishing village, which is actually more authentic than Vorupør.


2. Angling

Angling Vorupor Denmark

Watching the fishermen landing their boats is one of my favorite things to do, and very recommendable. However, there’s no need to just observe the fishermen in Vorupør, when you can be an angler yourself. Two of the fishing boats offer fishing tours when the weather allows it.

You’ll get up very early in the morning (read: in the middle of the night) and sails towards one of the good spots, e.g. The Yellow Reef with it’s shipwrecks and big fishes. Here, you’ll have the chance to go for the big cod. The price is around 100 Euro for a full day tour of around 12 hours.

Whatever you catch is of course yours to keep for dinner. If you are more into observing the fish than catching and eating them, you can visit the North Sea Aquarium, where you can see all the local fish – and a couple of exotic ones.


3. The Old Cemetery

The Old Cemetery, Vorupor, Denmark

In 1878, Vorupør got its first church. 25 years later, it was already gone.

The construction of the pier around 1900 literally made people pull down their houses, only to build them up again – like LEGO – near the new pier. The current church built in the center of Vorupør, left behind the old cemetery as a time warp.

Up here, you’ll find so many incredible stories carved in tombstones about the life people lived in this remote area. Many tragedies shaped the current Vorupør, and the old cemetery is a unique place to discover and feel the history.


4. The Church

The Church, Vorupor, Denmark

The church in Vorupør differs from the majority of the Medieval Danish churches. This church, built in 1902, represents a different architecture than traditional churches in this country.

The sparingly and simple interior reflects the humble people who build it. Take notice of the altarpiece. It depicts Christ on the Sea of Galilee, saving the disciples from drowning. What better motive could it have been here?


5. The Legendary Cafking Cheese

The Legendary Cafking Cheese, Vorupor, Denmark

There is a Danish saying: “Uden mad og drikke duer helten ikke”. It literally means “Without food and drink, the hero will not function”.

There are no McDonald’s, KFC or Burger King in Vorupør. However, if you feel like having a burger, you can visit Klochs Spisested near the landing, and try out the legendary Cafking Cheese burger, while enjoying the view of the sea.

Try to learn some Danish words and phrases to impress the local people. 


6. Go for a Swim

Swimming, Vorupor, Denmark

Almost needless to say, when spending your time by the sea, what more obvious idea than to go for a swim? To the north of the pier, the beach is good for swimming and relaxing in the summertime.

If you come here in the winter, you can join the Winter Bathing Festival held annually on December 28. It attracts many people, and there is no need to fear the waves. Vorupør recently got its very own sea bathing right next to the pier.


7. Check out the Architecture

Architecture, Vorupor, Denmark

Like the church, many of the houses in Vorupør are very humble. The typical fisherman’s home is a small white house.

You’ll see plenty of these in Vorupør. Most of them were built around 1910-1940, when the town was blooming. If you’re lucky, you might even still see people drying fish on a clothesline outside their homes.


8. Explore the Bunkers

Bunkers, Vorupor, Denmark

During the German occupation of Denmark 1940-45, Vorupør was fortified as part of the Atlantic Wall. There’s still a few of the bunkers visible on the beach.

A little south of Vorupør, there was a radar station. In this area, you can explore many bunkers on your own. If you cannot get enough of bunkers and history, it is recommendable to visit the Festung Hanstholm museum 25 km to the north and the Vigsø Battery a little further to the north.


9. Surf

Surf, Vorupor, Denmark

Vorupør is part of the so-called Cold Hawaii. In 2017, it hosted the ISA World Cup in StandUp Paddle and Paddleboarding. Vorupør is one of the best places in the world to surf, and a must visit if you are an experienced surfer. If not, Vorupør is definitely a great place to learn!


10. Watch Sunset

Sunset, Vorupor, Denmark

It might sound like a cliché, but there is something special about the sun setting in the North Sea behind the picturesquely fishing boats and the pier. A picture is worth a thousand words, so no other words needed here.


Plan a Trip to Vorupør

There are lots of reasons to travel to Denmark and if you are looking to discover one of the hidden gems of Europe away from the tourist crowds of Copenhagen go visit, you really should consider a road trip to Vorupør.

This is also a one of the best value for money destinations in Scandinavia, and although it lacks the famous attractions of other cities, there really is a lot to do here all year round.


By Jimmy Munk Larsen