A Guide to Working in Cuba for Foreigners
If you would like to work in Cuba you can find positions with international companies in areas like hotels, hospitality, sports like scuba diving and tourism.
Are you interesting in going to work in Cuba? Wondering how to find a job in Cuba as a foreigner? View our guide with trips, recruiters and information on how to apply.
If you would like to work in Cuba you can find positions with international companies in areas like hotels, hospitality, sports like scuba diving and tourism.
Would you like to work in paradise? Turn a dream of working in the Caribbean into a reality! There are lots of jobs in t...
There are lots of good reasons why you should apply to volunteer in Cuba - you will get to see the rustic charm of th...
Cuba is a hot topic of TEFL discussion right now, everyone is talking about this up and coming destination and more a...
Cuba is possibly one of the most underrated scuba diving destinations in the world.
If the idea of working in Central America appeals to you our guide will help. There are lots of seasonal, summer and ...
Cuba, just the name counjures up exotic images of Havana, Che Guevara, salsa, rum and coffee.