You'll normally assist the teachers to start with, but, depending on your ability, you may be given complete control of a particular class or group. You'll receive a lot of help and support from the teachers and staff at the schools to help you prepare for your lessons and settle you into your role as teacher.

The schools we work with are private but very poor schools. They can be both secondary and primary and you will generally be asked to help out with any age groups. You will be able to teach a specific subject of your choice if you wish to, such as Mathematics or Science.

If you enjoy Sports, you can also help out during the Games periods which the schools have. The facilities are poor, but football and volleyball have quite a following.

The schools themselves are quite small and incredibly basic - you will feel part of the family immediately! School sizes range from 100 to 150 pupils. This means that class sizes are also fairly small and very manageable, normally ranging from 20 to 30 pupils, although occasionally you may have smaller classes.

If you have some know-how, some initiative and lots of enthusiasm, you can also get involved with teaching Drama, Music, Dance or Arts and Crafts lessons. If you enjoy being creative, then you can share your talents and enthusiasm at the various schools we work with.


You'll live in a small, modern, and lively hostel situated in the center of Livingstone. The hostel has a very large private garden shaded with huge mango trees, and a crystal clear swimming pool. It also has a lively, sociable bar area where many activities are arranged. Livingstone has a Colonial feel to it and you will find a wide variety of restaurants, bars, and shops. Your accommodation is ideally situated and can offer excellent trips to places such as Lusaka. You'll share a room with other volunteers or guests of mixed gender.


Food and drink is not provided on this placement. There is a local supermarket for you to buy food from and the hostel has cooking facilities that you vcan use to prepare your meals. There is a dining room at the hostel where you can also buy meals that they prepare in-house. Many of the participants eat out on local dishes for a real Zambian experience!

At time of writing, facilities at the hostel include;

  • a swimming pool
  • recreation room with TV,
  • internet cafe with internet access,
  • a dining and kitchen area where food can be stored and
  • access to telephones.

The hostel also has an in-house booking centre, where many local activities can be booked (wildlife safaris, river cruises, river gorges, bungee jumping, white water rafting, treks, etc). They guarantee to offer the best deals in town and to beat any other lodge or booking centre!