As well as the fun stuff, there are the practicalities to consider. Is your passport in date, for example? It’s worth checking, especially if this is the first time you’re heading out of the UK to the EU. Have you arranged your currency? That’s another important thing to sort out. 

Wherever you’re jetting off to, safety is also hugely important. In fact, whether you’re staying in Europe or heading further afield, this should be something you think about beforehand.


The Thrill of Travel

Travelling is exciting. From a summer holiday in Spain, a dream safari tour in Africa to a six-month stint exploring and volunteering in India, getting away from the everyday can be just what you need. 

There is a lot to be gained from seeing the world. For instance, experiencing different cultures and traditions can open your eyes to what’s out there. Additionally, travelling can give you useful skills like map reading and communication skills. 

You don’t have to go too far to experience something special, either. Even a few days on a city break can provide you the opportunity to meet new people and explore a different way of life.  

In this article we will look at important safety tips so you can ensure your travels are worry free. 


1. Choose Destinations Carefully

When looking to travel there are literally hundreds of places you can go, but some of much safer than others. Research all and check latest news online before booking your trip. For example it is advised to avoid travel to countries like Afghanistan and Russia, and certain countries also have hotspots to avoid especially in places like Mexico on the border with the USA.


2. Learn the Language

While there is much to enjoy on a trip away, there are challenges that you might face. 

One might be a language barrier. This might not be a significant issue if you’re on a week-long holiday, but if you’re staying for a while, it can become an issue.

It’s worth learning the basics of a language if you’re planning on staying in one place for a while. This could help you settle in while you’re there and make it easier to build relationships with locals.

It will also be really useful if you need help or just want to enhance your experience and really integrate with local people.

Get started today, view our list of ways to say hello in different languages.


3. Simple Safety Tips

You’re staying in an unfamiliar place. Even if you research before you jet off, it’s important that you know how to keep safe while away from home. 

Some top recommendations include: 

Drink responsibly - it’s easy to get carried away, but try to make sure that you’re keeping track of your drinks. If you’re travelling with a friend, make sure you look out for each other.
Beware of your surroundings – look around and have your wits about you. If you see anything suspicious or you don’t feel comfortable, you can always head back to your accommodation.
Don’t wear expensive jewellery – thieves want expensive watches and jewellery. Try to avoid wearing anything that might attract attention.
Keep digital copies of important documents – having backups of your documents online can be very useful.
Know emergency numbers – get acquainted with the emergency numbers in the country you’re visiting. 
View our safety tips for solo female travellers.


4. Be Digitally Savvy 

As well as keeping yourself safe physically, it’s important that you keep your digital data safe too. We all travel with mobile phones, possibly even laptops. Boarding passes and banking information are often stored on these devices. This is all sensitive information that could be damaging if it falls into the wrong hands. 

Hackers are becoming increasingly aware of ways to access our data. Therefore, it’s crucial that you stay one step ahead. Updating passwords and using a VPN for your phone to further protect yourself are both ways to do this.

Daniel Markuson, digital privacy expert at NordVPN, explains: 

“Hackers may establish bogus hotspots and, in doing so - gain access to vulnerable public networks to track your online activity. Once linked, they can intercept online traffic, infect your mobile device with malware, and extract your personal information.” 

Wherever you travel this year, take the time to ensure you and your personal data are safe.


5. Group Trips

If you are planning on travelling solo consider booking tours and group experiences. This way you will travel with other people and get experienced and usually local guides to help you throughout your trip. Transport and accommodation is booked too so it really does take the hassle away from travelling.


6. Travel Insurance

Never travel abroad without getting a reputable travel insurance policy. its important to have peace of mind when traveling and know that is anything does go wrong you will be covered. Whether medical emergencies, theft or accidents - you will be able to claim back costs and get the best treatment whilst overseas. This is especially important in countries like the United States where healthcare is really expenesive.