If you have a passion for camp or are going for the first time why not think about writing for our website. You will be able to share helpful advice, experiences, reviews and feedback on summer camp.

This could be to do with the great summer camp tradition, what to expect from going to summer camp, a specific review of a camp, an experience of working as a camp counsellor, top tips, recommendations or something related to the camping industry.

We are accepting new writers now, so if you are a seasoned camp professional with years of experience, a college student who works at camp or if you are totally new to the whole experience and going to camp for the first time you could blog for us.

This is a great way help others by providing informative information and it is also perfect if you are seeking to gain journalism work experience, we provide you with a platform to share your work to a wider audience.

Gaining experience in journalism field of work can be difficult and by writing for us you will get articles published, a reference for the future and also we will share your work on our social network pages providing you with greater exposure.

We are flexible in terms of content and style, you can create fresh articles or ask us for a topic. Please note we accept writers from all countries all over the world but the text has to be written in English and the content must be summer camp related.

If writing for our website sounds appealing to you please contact us for more information.



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