Differences are great as long as nobody does any harm to other people. The same goes for dating, but what makes some countries special when it comes to dating?

Some things you consider normal might be weird in some countries and vice-versa. Don’t judge anybody. Open your mind, and you’ll evolve as a human being. The easiest way to meet other cultures is to date somebody from there. On the internet, you can check out sites that’ll help you meet people from all around the world. 

Now, let’s scratch under the surface of dating in different countries and see some interesting facts and stereotypes about what dating is like around the globe.


1. Chinese Men are Going to Schools to Learn How to Date

The number of men in China is so much higher than the number of women, so girls run the world there. At least when it comes to dating. That opened a market for dating schools for men. They have to use every trick in the book to get girls.


2. You Might Not Meet Your Partners Family in Spain Straight Away

Like a lot of countries, Spaniards generally live at home until they get married. If you are dating a Spaniard, don't expect to meet their family right away — this is something that usually happens when things are serious. 


3. Don’t Expect Any Casual Action in India

India is still very conservative when it comes to dating. Arranged marriages happen more often than you’d assume. Couples tend to marry quicker than in other countries. Sometimes after a couple of months.


4. Group Dates in Japan Are Popular

Group dating is a common practice in Japan, usually friends get together and arrange things to do and this is seen as being less stressful as for example one-on-one dates.


5. Italians Are Very Romantic

Dating an Italian means you’ll get a lot of compliments as Italians are famous for being very passionate. The only thing that can match their fashion style is their love for flattery. If you ever date an Italian man, you’ll feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. They won’t stop giving you compliments. Ever. If you’re a man who’d like to date an Italian girl, you have to bring your A-game to match native boys.


6. UK Dates Are Usually in Pubs

The UK has a huge pub culture, and this is generally where most first dates happens. The alcohol can also help the atmosphere and loosen up and stress.


7. Caution Advised for the Middle East

Public displays of affection and premarital sex are technically illegal in most Middle Eastern countries, and mixing religions in a relationship can be an issue. There is though a huge dating scene due to the amount of foreigners living in places like Dubai, an estimated 85% of the population of the UAE are foreign. 


Keep in Mind that Dating Means Different Things in Different Countries

For you, dating may mean you’re exclusive to your partner, but that’s not the case. For example, in the U.S.A., you can date more than one person at a time. When both of you confirm you’re exclusive, your relationship starts. In France, they don’t have a word for dating, and they don’t bother with exclusives. After a couple of dates, it implies you’re together. It’s like that in most countries in Balkan (South-East Europe) too. So if you’re planning to go around the world and date locals, make sure you research dating in each country you want to visit.