In addition to providing health and community-based services for 8,700 widowed, abandoned, and single mothers and their dependents.

Through clinics, schools, social work, homeless shelters, drug rehabilitation, and human trafficking advocacy, The God's Child Project is able to get to the underlying causes of poverty instead of merely treating the symptoms.

Children who were once homeless and abandoned are now professional adults with families of their own because of the chance that The God's Child Project gave them.

A ServiceTeam or Individual Volunteer Experience provides an opportunity to use your talents and skills to serve others and to change lives. Our meaningful volunteer adventure trips are completely customizable. If you’re signing up with a group (Service Team), it is possible to focus your work on suitable projects including:

  • Education 
  • Medical and Dental Care 
  • Construction 
  • Disaster Relief 
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Occupational Therapy 
  • Nursing 
  • Social Work/Social Sciences

Part of the trip is spent working on necessary home improvement projects such as building simple yet dignifying homes, pouring concrete floors in shacks (to reduce illness and infection), or laying water pipes along a mountainside trail.

You will also spend time helping in our classrooms, volunteering at the homeless shelter, and helping the babies at Casa Jackson Hospital for Malnourished Children. There is no limit to what you can do to help. The rest of the trip is spent experiencing all the beauty and adventure surrounding you.