Our school is located in famous Bairro Alto. You can easily reach us by bus, metro or simply walk!

Our groups are composed with around 10 people so you can learn Portuguese much faster!You can choose your schedule regarding your classes at university or your working hours! Morning, lunch or evening? It's up to you!


Our Courses

Extensive Portuguese Course
The extensive courses have a total duration of approximately two and a half months (30-hour training course). During this period you will be able to conclude a level. Classes are held twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays or on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Small Groups
This is a 20-hours course of Portuguese language where the participant choose the schedule. Course with minimum 2 and maximum 5 participants. If you pass the exam you'll get a ministry approved certificate. You can choose your own schedule and cancel the class 20 hours before.

Intensive Portuguese Course
The intensive Portuguese courses have a total duration of two to three weeks, depending on the course plan (always 30-hour training courses). Classes are held every day, from Monday to Friday, two/three hours per session.

These classes can be set during the morning, afternoon or evening slots.