We take a holistic approach to creating sustainable projects which address the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental needs of those most vulnerable to the defeating consequences of poverty, addiction, and exploitation in El Salvador.

Vulnerable members of our community include survivors of trafficking and sexual exploitation, individuals facing homelessness and extreme poverty, individuals who have recently returned from the U.S., and adults and children who are on a journey toward addiction recovery.

Instead of giving hand-outs and creating dependency, we work to give a hand up as we identify assets and potential in those we serve. We are working to empower these members of our community toward new opportunities, dignifying work, and a chance to dream about and work toward a new future where they truly can find freedom to grow.



If you are interested in serving in El Salvador with us for a month or less, you can be involved as a volunteer. Our international volunteers have the opportunity to learn about our work, and to catch the vision for what we are doing, while being involved our daily activities. Contact us for more details and an application.



Our internship program is specifically designed for any volunteer over 18 years of age who is interested in a longer, deeper experience of learning and service in El Salvador. Our internships run from two months to one year and all interns are required to raise their own salary.

We are looking for interns who have a growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are passionate about serving in a cross-cultural context. Our internship is well suited for anyone who wants to gain experience in understanding poverty, urban ministry, Latin American culture, the Spanish language, ministry to kids at risk, recovery ministry, working with the homeless, ministry to those involved in prostitution, and ministry to those who have survived human trafficking.

Our internship offers valuable experience to students who are studying missions, youth ministry, Spanish, international studies, social work, education, psychology, and other similar areas of focus. We want all interns to come with an attitude of service and willingness to learn, experience, and grow during their time with us.


Mission Trips

Instead of calling our short-term trips “mission” trips, we call them Service & Learning Trips. Our hope and prayer is that as your group comes to serve and learn, you understand that you do have the opportunity of a long term mission and investment in El Salvador as part of a bigger picture of restoration happening in our city. We hope that you leave with a big vision and a big heart for El Salvador.

Learning and serving with us provides your group with the opportunity to learn about El Salvador and to work side by side with our Salvadoran staff. The purpose of your time of service is to share yourselves, and also learn from all of us with the goal of finding opportunities for growth, exchange, and transformation for everyone involved.

If you are interested in taking a trip to El Salvador with your church, school, or group, contact us for our informational packet and to start the conversation about serving and learning with us in El Salvador.