Typical day

Olorien Community Clinic is located in the Kijenge-Mwanama district. From the volunteer house there are two short bus rides and a walk of about 1km, which can also be covered with a motorbike taxi. Overall, the route is very safe and easy to handle and takes about 30 minutes. Your daily core working hours are between 8:30 am and 3 pm.
The Olorien Community Clinic offers a variety of medical services, which means that each day will look different and you will be able to explore many different areas. These include general medical services, operations, laboratory tests, ultrasound and there is also a pharmacy in the clinic.
The most common operations performed at the Olorien Community Clinic include circumcision, suturing wounds, burn treatment, abscess removal, tumors and cysts, and drainage. In the lab, volunteers can take blood and learn about tropical diseases while learning about treatment options and available medicines at the pharmacy.
Within these areas, volunteers can engage according to their knowledge, interests and needs. Dr. Byemba is a great mentor for volunteers and encourages them to get involved in all areas of the clinic.