We organize community-initiated projects that provide access to improved education and basic health services, and create jobs and sustainable incomes for the poorest in our community. Warm Heart is not a charity.


Warm Heart is Community-Based

Warm Heart is not an international organization that serves a local community; we are a local organization with a local professional staff and a local board of community officials, businessmen and village elders that will never leave.


Warm Heart is Hands-On

The principals have quit their day jobs and live in Warm Heart communities. They are two of the five member Warm Heart leadership team and participate in all critical decisions and accept no salary.


Warm Heart is Self-Sustaining

Warm Heart is a new kind of nonprofit. We accept donations as investments, not charitable contributions. Success for us means to grow to pay our way and a social dividend. We have not yet achieved self-sufficiency, but it is critical to our long-term success.


Warm Heart is Inclusive

Our programs are designed to ensure that everyone has a stake in our success.


What is Warm Heart?

Warm Heart is a grassroots organization that empowers rural Thai villages. We work with the community to organize projects that provide access to improved education, basic services, jobs and sustainable incomes to the poorest in our community. Warm Heart encourages communities where:

  • The core values of civility and family friendliness are respected
  • The environment itself is managed to sustain future generations
  • Individuals and families can build a good life through their own efforts
  • Education is open to all in an environment where traditional culture can thrive.


What does Warm Heart Do?

Every Warm Heart program addresses an acute need in the Phrao Valley and empowers people to reach their full potential by helping them help themselves. All Warm Heart programs provide economically and environmentally sustainable improvements in living standards and are built on community desire and involvement. Our programs fall into three categories: Education, Health, and Microenterprise.


How is Warm Heart Different?

While donations to Warm Heart are tax-deductible due to its nonprofits status, Warm Heart is not a charity. We provide opportunities; program participants must seize them. Warm Heart also believes that every donation is an investment, the return on which is a self-sufficient program able to sustain people who choose to help themselves.

Our goal is organizational financial self-sustainability and as a result, wherever possible, Warm Heart programs contain a component of financial self-sustainability. Income generating programs, such as microenterprise, cover not only their own costs, but also Warm Heart’s operating expenses, and generate income for our community.