Headquartered in Prague (Czech Republic), Penta was founded in 1994 and operates in more than 10 countries in Europe, with offices in Prague, Bratislava, Warsaw and Munich.

Speak Up is an international network of English language schools that has been successfully operating for more than 10 years in the following countries:  Poland, Ukraine, Russia, USA, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Vietnam, Morocco, Burma and Egypt. Speak Up plans to open new schools abroad.

Would you like to speak English fluently? Travel without language barriers and speak without fear in business meetings? Looking for an easy way to learn English? Would you like to tailor the curriculum to your individual needs and daily activities? If you are familiar with these and similar issues, you are in the right place at the right time. And only one answer: Speak Up courses!



We believe that staff is the most important value and capital of our company. It is thanks to the competencies of our employees, their involvement, unique qualities and independence that we are constantly developing and succeeding.

We strive to create a friendly and open working atmosphere. A wonderful climate that promotes inclusive development is formed on the basis of our core values: dedication, professionalism, openness and enthusiasm.

Work is our true passion, so at Speak Up we work together to create a place where everyone can be themselves, while at the same time shaping high professional goals, developing new knowledge and skills. We value the uniqueness in the thinking and actions of our employees and support their initiative. By contributing to the professional and personal success of our staff, we contribute to the success of our company.

We know the importance of continuous development, so we set our employees ambitious goals, developing their abilities and skills. We provide opportunities for professional growth in company structures, primarily by recruiting directors of our schools among our own staff (internal recruiting).

We are convinced that working at Speak Up is a guarantee of communication with interesting people and a unique opportunity for self-development. Our team of employees are dynamic, active and dedicated people for whom customer success is the key to their success.


Who Are We Looking For?

In every area of ​​our business, we take a creative approach, passion, activity and desire to take on new challenges. Our goal is to dynamically increase the quality of our services. That is why at Speak Up we want to work with active, energetic, creative people who do their jobs with quality and diligence. Every day we will set new challenges for you, while giving you the opportunity to gain confidence and experience. We are looking for employees who are ready to develop, work with enthusiasm and thus be able to contribute to the development of the company.

We appreciate candidates who:

- motivated, which, as well as for us, work is a major delight
- like to work in a dynamic pace
- communication can listen so that others want to speak and can speak so that others wanted listen to them
- take initiative, take a creative approach to the realization of goals, there is nothing impossible for them,
- be able to work in a team, always open for communication, share their knowledge, work with full dedication and enthusiasm,
- focused on results and achievement of goals, constantly thirst ut to get the best results
- oriented clients who understand their needs, are able to meet their expectations and monitor customer satisfaction services.

If you meet these characteristics, check out Speak Up Jobs!