There is a lot to do at Pirate Cove. Some activities are offered by most hotels in Drake and some are offered only by us. Search through our activities and you can get fairly complete descriptions of what is available. On this page we want to give you a little bit of our philosophy.

We really love Drake Bay and want to share that with you. All too often you read about a special place and then when you arrive you are herded along with your fellow tourists from one disappointing tour to another.

Drake Bay is special. Did you know there are 450 species of birds here? One of our guests found 30 in a few hours. Also, Cano Island lies on a major migratory route for many marine animals. If you're lucky you may be able to watch humpback whales and dolphins.

Corcovado National Park has been called one of the most biologically diverse places on earth. One guest actually filmed jaguars walking on the beach but he was walking in the most isolated area of the park. You might not see those on your tour but you should see lots of interesting things.

Unfortunately, you will only have a short time to know this magical area, but we will try and make your experiences as wonderful as possible, whether you are diving with the big fish or just swinging in your hammock!

When you depart we hope you will take some of our world with you and leave at least a little part of your heart with us.