We are a community based non-profit organisation seeking for student volunteers in Kampala, Uganda in the following areas:

  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Sciences
  • Social Work & Field Work

​Volunteers will work in partnership with the local medical officers at the Busaawa Mmanze Health Center. Volunteer student teachers will work with our local teachers at the two schools. The tasks undertaken will dependent on their level of experience and qualifications. If you need some work experience or wanna meet people from different cultures and you are ready to help and do something good for the society. Then make the most of your time and energy and come help us. The Mmanze Centre takes its name from the Mmanze community, one of the communities of the Masulita sub-county.

MACERUDET has 25 years of experience in the field of welfare works and works thanks to the contribution of a small group of professionals located in Masulita, Uganda. The organization does not have established paid staff; however, we implement our priority programs utilizing the services of volunteers from both local and international community.

The following are our priority programs:

  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Community based health care
  • Training and education
  • Environment protection
  • Promoting youth, women and child rights
  • Functional adult literacy
  • Infrastructure development
  • Rural savings and credit
  • Community capacity building
  • Lobbying and advocacy

Two of the most needed specialties that MACERUDET needs are volunteer health and teacher workers. Volunteer health workersare to facilitate at their BusaawaMmanze Health Center, who will also be responsible ofmobilizing the community to practice good home environment sanitation as well as attend to minor health problems.Volunteer teacherswill work with us at our two schools namely Holy Cross Namutenga Community Orphanage Primary School and Mmanze Community Secondary School. MACERUDET accepts a variety of volunteers including students, professionals and retirees.

We accept volunteers without discrimination of race, color, tribe and religious denominations. Age limit for the volunteers is between 16 years and 85 years. The tasks undertaken will depend on their level of experience and qualifications. Volunteers may include, but are not limited to:

  • Teacher volunteers: to serve us atthe Holy Cross Namutenga Community Orphanage Primary Schoolas well as in the Mmanze Community Secondary School.
  • Training: we need volunteers to train our students in sports, music dance and drama, art and craft, computer training and other subjects, like Maths, English, and Biology to mention but a few.
  • Medical volunteers: at our health unit like dentists, opticians, gynecologists, nurses, pediatricians with skills in practices.
  • Pedagogues: we need volunteers who assist us as pedagogues who can look after the children at the orphanage and also who can teach young children how to read, write, and physical education among others.
  • Constructions & Home Environmental Sanitation: volunteers who desire to work in construction enjoy a wide variety of projects to choose from every week, as well as initiatives that support locals in the improvement of their homes and neighborhoods as well as providing them with basic sanitation facilities.
  • Fundraising: we also need volunteers who can assist us to fundraise for our development programs.

MACERUDET recognizes and appreciates the services of seriously committed and dedicated volunteers who have diligently contributed their time, skills, resources, experience and expertise towards the development of the education, healthcare and other development programs.