1. Institute

Institute is a research and education structural unit of the University offering educational programs of undergraduate and postgraduate professional education, pre-university and additional professional education in a number of sciences and disciplines and implements fundamental and applied research projects in relevant scientific fields.

Institute's structure may include divisions, departments, laboratories, research and education centers, and other main and auxiliary units.


2. Faculty

Faculty is a structural unit similar to an institute. Currently, there is only faculty remaining at KFU - the Faculty of Law.


3. Division

Division is a structural unit of an Institute covering a specified group of subject areas. Work of a large Division is divided into separate Departments. Divisions are headed by heads of divisions who answer to directors of the institutes.


4. Department

Departments are basic structural units of institutes/faculties. Departments carry out educational, methodological and research activities, social and extracurricular work with students, training and retraining of pedagogical and research staff. Departments are headed by department chairs.