As well as the chance to meet new people and experience life in a new location, you’ll also have the chance to experience your industry from the perspective of an international market and gain a unique perspective on what you do. 

So whether you’ve been offered a role abroad or are moving to another country and looking for the perfect international position to embark on your global workplace adventure, these are just a few tips to get you started. 


1. Learn the Language

As soon as you know where you’ll be going, you should make it your mission to begin learning the local language. 

As an English speaker, you’ll often find that whilst abroad you’ll encounter many fellow anglophones. However, you shouldn’t rely on this to get you around. Even if your colleagues all speak the same language, possessing the skills of an additional tongue will help you get around easily and integrate with your local community. 

Plus, wherever you go next in your career or the world, a second language is a valuable skill that can not only be put to good use but shows present and future employers that you are a versatile communicator and capable learner.  

Language learning apps like Lingvist can help you get to grips with the basics, although it might take you a little longer to attain full fluency. 


2. Get Connected 

In the modern world of remote working, travelling abroad for a role doesn’t mean you’ll be spending five days a week with your work colleagues. 

But it’s still important to have a sense of community in your workplace, as well as fostering communication and making everyone’s working lives easier. 

If you happen to be working remotely in your new career, why not invite your colleagues to spend some time outside of work over Zoom to get to know one another better? 


3. Never Stop Learning 

Wherever you are in the world – or in your career – you should never get too comfortable. 

The world is your oyster and you can do anything, anywhere, so seize the opportunities where you can find them and never give up on your personal development. 

When you’re adjusting to a new location, if can be overwhelming to take on too much. But if you’re looking for a flexible way to develop your skills around work, ARU Distance Learning offer a number of fully remote degree courses online that enable you to study in your own time. 

Employers will appreciate staff who are proactive about their own learning, and choosing your own path to development helps you shape your next career move. 

If you’re about to embark on an adventure working abroad these are just a handful of tips to get you started on your new career journey.