Paris. Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, or any city in France.

What to expect:
Participants in the program are usually offered entry-level jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry, retail stores, restaurants, pubs, telemarketing, ski resorts. Summer is the busiest time for seasonal jobs in the Atlantic and Mediterranean cities. During the winter participants may be placed at ski resorts in the Alps.

The minimum wage in France is 9.40 Euro/ hour gross, which means 1,425.67 Euros brut/month or 1,118.36 Euros net/month. Students may get tips or percentage of sales. All salaries are paid by check or bank wire at the end of each month, eventually at the beginning of the month. Participants can’t ask for advance.

Schedule/work hours:
The legal working hours in France is 35 hours a week. Depending on positions, students may work between 30 and 40 hours.

Participants must arrive in France with sufficient funds for their first month of stay (minimum 1,500 Euros)

2 or 12 months

Internship Placement Cost: