At Heart for Change, we are offering three great ways to know Colombia: Volunteer, learn, and travel. 

Volunteers can work for nonprofit organizations in a variety of fields: Childcare, Education, Environment, Microfinance, Youth Development, Health and Nutrition, among others. Since it's a flexible program, volunteers choose when and for how long they come, and what work they want to do, and everyone will experience the rich Colombian culture through guided excursions and cultural activities. Our goal is that volunteers have a stimulating, rewarding and safe experience in our country.

Heart for Change, Colombia Volunteer Program is a social enterprise founded by a philanthropic group of Colombians to encourage intercultural exchanges with a service component. Each program combines service and cultural activities so you truly are immersed in the Colombian culture and gain a unique perspective of the global community. 

Whether volunteering in a local organization, learning Spanish and other subjects in a unique setting, or traveling with a guide to diverse parts of the country there is always a focus on the service work happening in Colombia. This is made possible through Heart for Change’s alliances with foundations in different regions of the country to support their causes with the help of international volunteers and visitors.