Whether you are a parent in need of a break from the constant screaming and shouting or a couple without children trying to make the most of your free time. 

After a stressful week of complaints from your boss or rushing to meet deadlines, a weekend off for yourself might just be the best thing. Our guide will assist you in organising the perfect child-free weekend.


1. Health Spa

Or maybe something closer to home, how about a health spa break to rejuvenate and relax - how often do you get time to do anything like this by yoursef anymore.


2. Night Out

When you have children you can be limited with nights out as a couple or with friends. You could enjoy a relaxing night at the cinema, go out for dinner or even go to bars and clubs and enjoy a late night without any worries.


3. Gaming

If you enjoy gaming and entertainment, there are so many options. Online casino games put a world of excitement and pleasure at your fingertips.

They are a great addition to your child-free weekend activities because they let you play from the comfort of your home or while you’re on the go.

And most importantly, select trustworthy platforms like bet365 that offer a wide variety of games you will not get bored of. Some of the games you could play include:

  • Slots
  • Keno
  • Roulette
  • Blackjack
  • Poker

However, always establish a spending limit before you begin and stick to it. Keep in mind that you are doing it for fun and not as a way to gain money. Play sensibly and take breaks when necessary.


4. Social Night with Friends

This is an excellent addition to creating the perfect child-free weekend, as you are bound to be free and full of laughter among your friends. You could also use the opportunity to catch up on things you’ve missed in their lives during the week. 

To make sure the game night is a success, there are some things which you must take note of.

Choosing the Right Game

We most times tend to pick games that are appealing to ourselves alone, without considering others. You should avoid this at all cost, as you must always consider the preference of your friends. Games you could play include:

  • Bingo.
  • Scrabble.
  • Charades.
  • Monopoly.


The atmosphere you create is also very important. Make sure it is a cozy and inviting setting with comfortable seat arrangements. You could also light some candles, with music playing in the background to add to the ambience.

Snacks and Drinks

You should provide different options of delicious snacks for your friends to pick from. This will help to keep them engaged throughout the game night.


5. Short Break Away

Why not plan a quick two day break overseas? There are so many destinations you could go, either with your partner or with friends. Possible you could take your other half away to somewhere romantic like Santorini, or even plan a football city break to a popular European destination. You won't have to worry about flying with children, and can go sightseeing or just relax and enjoy the free time.


6. Outdoor Activities

Experiences which could connect you with your environment can also be invigorating. Your body gets some exercise, while your mind gets immersed in the beauty of nature. Exploring local hiking trails is one of the ways you can do that, while enjoying breathtaking views.

Consider going to the beach for the day if you are close to the ocean. Enjoy the sun, go swimming, or just unwind with a nice book. Beach vacations can offer you an ideal environment for relaxing.

Do not forget to check the weather prediction and make appropriate plans. When engaging in outdoor activities, emphasize safety and remember to pack necessities like sunscreen and water to stay hydrated. 


7. Sleep

Okay, this might sound slightly boring, but how about just catching up on sleep and not having to worry about waking up in the night or an early start!


A weekend without children presents you the best chance to unwind and discover new things about yourself. So, try to remember what you used to like doing before kids and go enjoy the freedom of a weekend!