You can search unique experiences in 100+ destinations worldwide. There is also the option to read real reviews from past participants and get more ideas, tips and advice on our blog.

So how does our website work?


1. Start Your Search

Have a think what you want to do and browse our website's main categories to see if you can find something to match your interests:


2. Browse & Compare Opportunities

Our website features literally thousands of trips, programs, courses and experiences worldwide. On each of our directory pages you can browse by experience or by company. See if anything appeals to you. You can also research reviews which have been added by past participants.


3. Make an Enquiry

On every company, trip, program, course and experience we have listed there is either the option to click through to the providers website or send a general/booking enquiry. You will be able to book your trip via our trusted local and international partner companies worldwide.


4. Still Need Help or Advice?

If you are struggling to find an opportunity, or you woud like one of our team to help or recommend trips please contact us. Our team are passionate about travel and we have the experience to suggest companies to match all interests.


Please note we do not directly offer the trips listed on our website, these are offer by our recommended partners worldwide.


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