This initiative was birthed following the realization that the locals were mired in hunger and poverty through ignorance to proper farming techniques and proper land use practices, which has seem rampant deforestation activities, poor farm yields, and loss of revenue for household needs.

To that end, Zimconserve saw it feasible to engage with the locals so as to proper skills, that would be of use at house hold level in order to mitigate if not alienate poverty and malnutrition altogether in the community

Organic farming, simply requires seeds and man power, as fertilizer sourced locally from cow dung manure and compost, making it cheaper than much-touted synthetic fertiliser that are dear to most of these farmers detrimental to soil structure and composition and have been reputed to leave toxic traces in crops that eventually end up in the poor consumer’s stomach, thereby posing another health challenge in the process.


What are the planned activities. What will the funds be used for.

The first stage, shall involve the fencing off of the 5 hectare plot we were proffered y the Zimbabwe government through the local government ministry.

  • A solar powered borehole will be next followed by ablution facilities, a guard room  cum reception, a warehouse, a training conference hall, .
  • Mushroom sheds, will then be put in place together with fish ponds and nutrition gardens.
  • Business will then begin with the training workshops to be conducted from time to time for the local farmers.
  • A committee drawn from members of the community and Zimconserve staff will be tasked with the day to day running of the center.


What are the expected out comes of the project.

The three objectives upper most in our view set to benefit the participants in this project are

  • Through these comprehensive training workshops, participants will be empowered to transfer those skills into their farms or pieces of land for productive purposes. This will help to restore long forgotten dignity, self-esteem and well-being.
  • Tree nursery nurtured at the site will be made available to farmers to help restore the forests ravaged by wanton destruction for firewood and firewood business.
  • Malnutrition will be curbed dramatically due to the introduction of nutrition gardens, mushrooms and fish. And moreover business through sales of surplus vegetables will generate income for other sundry household needs, stemming the tide of lack and want.


How will you know if these outcomes have been achieved?

We shall be able to monitor and evaluate the success of these outcomes by the volumes and activities of new projects in the village.

The amount of stock of produce that would be brought to the centre’s warehouse for marketing and value addition purposes will also determine the success rate.

We also look forward to seeing improved lifestyle, where cases of malnutrition and its associated ills will be significantly reduced at the local health clinic on one hand. An increase on the other hand of families affording school fees for their kids will also be a positive indicator of the achievement of this project.