If you can lead your peers up a mountain, you can lead in life! Learn practical climbing techniques and lessons on life while traversing the breathtaking slopes of Nepal!

Dive into one of the most scenic countries of the world, a place where you’ll learn the art of mountain climbing along with leadership skills that will help you ascend to the top of any field you choose to pursue.

The 3 Week Mountain Leadership Course begins in Nepal’s Royal Beach Camp-home of entertaining activities like rafting, kayaking and canyoneering that will be a part of this life-changing journey! You’ll climb to many more heights than just Nepal’s Peaks…

The Mountain Leadership Course is full of knowledge, entertainment, team-building, and leadership-building skills!

Experience training at peaks close to the base-camp that extend to 2100 meters. Then, give back to Nepal’s Beautiful Environment by participating in Sustainability Work on a tree plantation that will compensate for air travel and transportation during the trip!

As you travel to different Mountains of Nepal, you’ll be compiling a list of Mountain Tasks and descriptions for presentation to the group at the end of the Mountain Leadership Course so that you can all share in each other’s journeys and leadership lessons learned amongst the slopes!

The Mountain Leadership Course is full of daily activities that will challenge you, help you grow in mind, body, and spirit, and become more in tune with your surroundings and the parts of your personality that will grow to be a leader amongst your peers!

Trek across one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the world and become the leader you were born to be! Spots fill up fast for an opportunity like this! Sign up today for the journey of a lifetime!