More than just a trip, it’s an experience. There is something far more important than where to go and what to see. And that’s YOU! We use our decades of experience to make sure every day of each program is socially comfortable and truly fun-filled for every single participant.

What’s a Westcoast Connection/360° Student Travel program like? Visit stunning natural wonders, exploring exciting cities, find deeper meaning in volunteer work, improve your Spanish skills, or participate in awesome adrenalin-pumping activities. And that’s just the beginning!


The “Each”

The “Each” aspect of our “Each & Every” philosophy drives us to get to know you for your unique personality. Your likes and dislikes, your dietary preferences, and your social and health needs. We accommodate specific needs, from scheduling a mid-trip allergy shot and keeping medication cooled to arranging for a participant to leave for two days mid-trip to attend a family wedding.

No two travelers are alike and we know one size does not fit all. We encourage you to try new activities that may initially be beyond your comfort zone. But we also recognize and respect that it’s your decision. It’s challenge by choice. You’ll never be pushed into an adventure activity that you’re not ready to embrace.


The “Every”

“Every” is rooted in our founding belief that no matter how thrilling an activity, how beautiful a National Park, or how funny the joke, it’s best shared with new travel companions, creating memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. In every aspect of what we do, we strive to nurture and build a trip family.

From our opening day arrival routines and our 48-hour plan to a farewell banquet, we live the “Every” philosophy on every step of your journey. Morning songs, ninja tournaments and giant rock, paper, scissors championships are all part of our unique approach to developing dynamic and tightly bonded groups.

When you see the tearful farewells as new friends say goodbye, you’ll know what we mean! A large part of how much you enjoy your summer program depends on how quickly your group becomes a family. And nobody understands this better than us!

More than 31,000 teen travelers have shared the bond of our spirited groups. But don’t take our word for it, check out our reviews or reach out and we’ll happily put you in touch with previous travelers.