Volunteer.travel was a booking portal for Frontier (The Society for Environmental Exploration). Founded in 1989, Frontier was at the forefront of overseas education and responsible travel for over 25 years, and had operations in more than 50 countries worldwide.

With offices in London, UK and California, US, we supported volunteers of any nationality throughout their placement, from identifying the most suitable opportunity through to pre-departure and post-departure support.

Participants could work on a whale and dolphin conservation project in Tenerife, Spain, spotting dolphins and whales in the wild.  Or live and work at a widllife sanctuary in Costa Rica, looking after and rehabilitating rescued wild sloths, howler monkeys and more.

There was also the chance to earn your TEFL certifiate while teaching English to children on a spectacular island off the coast of Madagascar.  Or live in a spectacular temple in Nepal, teaching English to children and young monks.

If you were a trained or trainee medic, there were some fantastic experiences helping out at a hospital in Kenya or physiotherapy placements in Madagascar.

Volunteer.Travel ceased operating in 2020.